Archive for the ‘senior news near me’ Category

Veterans Day Celebration

November 8th, 2021

We celebrated veterans day! A great big thank you to our Somerset Veterans for their service.

We care about our veterans and want them to enjoy senior living.


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You are invited to tour Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA. A mask is required during tours until COVID is over.


Somerset Picnic at Trojan State Park!

July 25th, 2021

Somerset residents enjoyed a July outing to Trojan State Park where they enjoyed sun, flowers, a picnic, lawn darts, and other games.

Thank you caregiver Brad and volunteer Ailie for lending a hand and helping with this fun day!


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Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We look forward to seeing you!


Farm Animals and Pets Visit Somerset

July 25th, 2021

Friendly farm animals and pets visit Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living several times each year bringing joy to our seniors who love animals!

Looking at the photos below, you can see how much our seniors enjoy these visits.


assisted living longview wa





retirement home longview wa




senior living longview wa







Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We look forward to seeing you!


July Arts and Crafts – Making Mobiles

July 24th, 2021

Somerset residents enjoyed a fun July arts and crafts project making July mobiles for decorations. We have many fun senior activities each week.


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Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We look forward to seeing you!

Picnic at Willow Grove State Park!

July 24th, 2021

Somerset residents enjoyed a June picnic at Willow Grove State Park. We had fun! We have many activities each month year round, including several summer outings.

Come join the fun with staff and residents of Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA. We look forward to seeing you!


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Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We look forward to seeing you!


Stylin Sunglasses! Safe Comfortable Eyes.

July 24th, 2021

Thank you Lion’s Club for donating beautiful sunglasses to our seniors. They enjoy them very much and are using them a lot this summer. The sunglasses help their eyes be comfortable in sunny weather, and protect their eyes from UV rays.

Our staff and residents appreciate the Lions Club very much!


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Lookin Cool and Stylin at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA. Come join the fun!

Somerset’s June Father’s Day Party!

July 23rd, 2021

Somerset residents and staff enjoyed a June Father’s Day party at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living. The party included live music by two bands and delicious treats! Staff and residents had a great time!


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Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA.


Somerset June Employee of the Month

July 23rd, 2021

Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living – June employee of the month is kitchen worker Quinn!

Thank you for all you do!


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Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA


Retirement Party for our Nurse Vera

July 23rd, 2021

Somerset had a June retirement party for our registered nurse Vera. Happy retirement Vera!


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assisted living longview wa, somerset longview wa


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA


Easter Delicious Treats Arts and Crafts

May 13th, 2021

Somerset residents had fun making delicious Easter bunny treats. We have fun senior activities each week, including arts and crafts.


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We have fun at Somerset Senior Living Longview WA. Come join the fun!


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living