Posts Tagged ‘senior health longview wa’

Stylin Sunglasses! Safe Comfortable Eyes.

July 24th, 2021

Thank you Lion’s Club for donating beautiful sunglasses to our seniors. They enjoy them very much and are using them a lot this summer. The sunglasses help their eyes be comfortable in sunny weather, and protect their eyes from UV rays.

Our staff and residents appreciate the Lions Club very much!


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Lookin Cool and Stylin at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA. Come join the fun!

Easter Delicious Treats Arts and Crafts

May 13th, 2021

Somerset residents had fun making delicious Easter bunny treats. We have fun senior activities each week, including arts and crafts.


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assisted living longview wa, somerset assisted living


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senior news longview wa, arts and crafts longview wa, senior activities longview wa, easter longview wa, april longview wa,




We have fun at Somerset Senior Living Longview WA. Come join the fun!


COVID Update – Good News

February 16th, 2021

Staff and residents are tested often. There are no known cases of COVID at Somerset or New Westside Terrace. Staff and residents are well.

Our safety measures have been effective. We will continue following proper safety procedures (frequent testing, temp checks, masks, social distancing, etc) until COVID is over. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Staff and residents received their 2nd Phizer COVID vaccine Sun, Feb 7.

Things are going well. Let’s keep up the good work!






Staff and Residents got 1st COVID Vaccine

January 18th, 2021

Happy! Staff and residents are getting their 1st round of COVID vaccines this week.

Thank you CVS (Target) pharmacy for putting on shot clinics at our buildings. You’re helping us keep our retirement communities safe and happy! We’re very appreciative! Also, thank you to Cowlitz Health Department and WA State government.

We’re having a good week at Somerset and New Westside Terrace Retirement Communities and Assisted Living in Longview WA.


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We’re staying safe and still having fun at Somerset Retirement Community and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Our goal is to provide safe and fun senior living.

We feel privileged and thankful to be vaccinated. Thank you to all who made this possible.

Staff and Residents got their 1st COVID vaccine!

January 18th, 2021

Hooray! Staff and residents got their 1st COVID vaccination the 2nd week of Jan 2021. We’re very happy!

Thank your CVS (Target) pharmacy for putting on shot clinics at our facilities. You’re helping us keep our retirement homes safe and happy! We appreciate it! Also, thank you to WA State government and Cowlitz Health Department.

We’re having a good week at Somerset and New Westside Terrace Retirement Homes and Assisted Living in Longview WA.


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senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior home longview wa, covid prevention longview wa, covid vaccine longview wa, senior care longview wa, senior health longview wa, somerset longview wa







We’re staying safe and still having fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. We want senior living to be safe and fun.

We feel privileged and thankful to be vaccinated. Thank you to all who made this possible.









Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living