Archive for the ‘senior activity’ Category

Somerset Senior Living News April 2024

April 1st, 2024

Please enjoy our senior news letter. Page 1 is our schedule of retirement and senior living activities and events for the month. The other pages tell about recent activities and events of the past month. We offer activities for seniors independently living and for assisted living.

Many senior living activities occur in Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted living Longview WA at 2025 Tibbetts Drive. We also have frequent outings in Longview and all over Cowlitz County.


senior news, somerset, longview wa


retirement home, somerset, longview wa


assisted living, somerset, longview wa


retirement community, somerset, longview wa


senior home longview wa, somerset


Please contact us to schedule a tour! Enjoy your retirement with us. You’re invited!


News Letter February 2024

February 8th, 2024

Please enjoy our February 2024 senior living news letter for Somerset Assisted Living Longview WA. Page 1 is our schedule of senior living activities and events for this month. The other pages tell about recent senior living activities and events.


senior news longview wa


assisted living longview wa


senior living longview wa


retirement home longview wa


senior home longview wa


Come join the senior living fun at Somerset! You’re invited! Please contact us for a tour. We look forward to meeting you!


Senior Living Activities – Santa at Somerset Christmas Party!

January 16th, 2023

Santa at Somerset’s Christmas party ready to visit with staff and residents!

assisted living longview wa, christmas party, santa, somerset


Somerset owner, Mariisa Bond Jimenez, and her kids visit with Santa.

senior living longview wa, somerset

In the following posts, Santa visits with residents and staff. Everyone enjoyed the Christmas party and visiting with Santa! Come join the senior living fun at Somerset! You’re invited to come for a tour!

Senior Living Activities – Santa Visits Seniors

January 16th, 2023

Our seniors enjoyed visiting with Santa and Mrs Claus at our Somerset Christmas Party. Come join us for senior living fun! We have several fun senior living activities each week. You’re invited!


assisted living longview wa, retirement longview wa





























Senior Living Fun! – Cake at Christmas Party!

January 5th, 2023

Somerset residents enjoyed Christmas cake made from scratch in our kitchen by our dedicated culinary staff. This was one of several treats our seniors enjoyed at our Somerset Christmas Party 2022.


senior living, retirement home, senior news, retirement community, senior activities, assisted living, christmas, party, somerset, longview wa


Come enjoy senior living at Somerset Retirement Home & Assisted Living in Longview WA. Come visit us for a tour! You’re invited!


Senior Activities Arts and Crafts

July 25th, 2022

Somerset seniors enjoy arts and crafts as one of their senior living activities. Residents made 4th of July decorations for their apartment doors.









senior activities, assisted living, senior living, arts and crafts, 4th july, somerset, longview wa, retirement home, senior home, retirement community


Nicely done! Come join the fun at Somerset!





Senior Activity Field-Trip to El Tapacia

July 24th, 2022

Somerset seniors enjoyed riding our bus on a field-trip to El Tapatia restaurant in Rainier. We enjoyed an fun outing, yummy Mexican food and great service!


bus, senior activities, assisted living, senior living, retirement home, senior home, retirement community, somerset, longview wa


senior activity longview wa, senior news longview wa, senior outing, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, retirement community longview wa, somerset longview wa







Somerset residents have fun! Come join the fun!





Father’s Day Party

July 24th, 2022

Somerset seniors enjoyed our Father’s Day Fiesta Party. Residents and their families had a good time.










We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living! Come join the fun!





Veterans Day Celebration

November 8th, 2021

We celebrated veterans day! A great big thank you to our Somerset Veterans for their service.

We care about our veterans and want them to enjoy senior living.


veterans day, veterans, seniors, retirement, assisted living, senior news, somerset, longview wa


assisted living, senior news, somerset, longview wa


senior living, veterans day, senior news, somerset, longview wa


retirement home, veterans day, somerset, longview wa


retirement community, senior new, somerset, longview wa





You are invited to tour Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA. A mask is required during tours until COVID is over.


Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 – Events

October 10th, 2021

Our residents, their families, and our staff had a great time at Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 events that lasted 4 days in July.

Enjoy the photos of events!


Table Hockey!

senior activities longview wa, senior news longnvew wa, assisted living longview wa


senior news, senior activities, retirement home, longview wa


Squirt Guns Target Shooting!

retirement community longview wa, somerset longview wa


senior living longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior news longview wa


Javelin Toss! (with safety javelins)      🙂

senior fun, senior activities, senior news, retirement news, retirement home, longview wa


senior home longview wa


senior living, retirement living, retirement news, longview wa


Seated Volley Ball! So everyone can safely play!
(including those who need walkers or wheelchairs)


Bean Bag Toss!


Lawn Darts! (the blunt safety type)      😉

retirement home longview wa, somerset longview wa


Archery Competition! (with safe suction cup arrows)



Frisbee Toss! (accuracy competition)


senior news, senior activities, retirement community, somerset longview wa


We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Come join the fun!


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living