Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

Somerset Senior News July 2022

July 25th, 2022

Below is our Somerset Senior News Letter for Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Our goal is to provide the best senior living experience, including many senior living activities each week. We want our residents to enjoy themselves.

Our senior news letter offers senior news, announcements, birthdays, and a schedule of events for the month.


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We have fun activities several times a week at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA.

Come join the fun! We look forward to meeting you!



Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 – Events

October 10th, 2021

Our residents, their families, and our staff had a great time at Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 events that lasted 4 days in July.

Enjoy the photos of events!


Table Hockey!

senior activities longview wa, senior news longnvew wa, assisted living longview wa


senior news, senior activities, retirement home, longview wa


Squirt Guns Target Shooting!

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senior living longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior news longview wa


Javelin Toss! (with safety javelins)      🙂

senior fun, senior activities, senior news, retirement news, retirement home, longview wa


senior home longview wa


senior living, retirement living, retirement news, longview wa


Seated Volley Ball! So everyone can safely play!
(including those who need walkers or wheelchairs)


Bean Bag Toss!


Lawn Darts! (the blunt safety type)      😉

retirement home longview wa, somerset longview wa


Archery Competition! (with safe suction cup arrows)



Frisbee Toss! (accuracy competition)


senior news, senior activities, retirement community, somerset longview wa


We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Come join the fun!


Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 – Treats

October 10th, 2021

Our residents, their families, and our staff had a great time at Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 that lasted 4 days in July.

Each day after the events our staff served delicious treats to our residents.

We hope you enjoy the photos below.


Olympics Theme Cookies!

desserts. senior activities, senior news, retirement home, longview wa


Ice Cones!

assisted living, senior living, retirement home, senior home, somerset, longview wa

Our seniors enjoyed cold ice cones very much on 4 hot July days at our Somerset Senior Olympics 2021.


Residents, their families, and staff enjoyed our Senior Olympics for 4 fun days in July 2021. We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.


Somerset Senior Olympics 2021

October 10th, 2021

Our residents, their families, and our staff had a great time at Somerset Senior Olympics 2021 that lasted 4 days in July.

We hope you enjoy the photos in 3 posts about our Senior Olympics. 🙂



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We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Please enjoy the following posts and photos.


Picnic at Willow Grove State Park!

July 24th, 2021

Somerset residents enjoyed a June picnic at Willow Grove State Park. We had fun! We have many activities each month year round, including several summer outings.

Come join the fun with staff and residents of Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA. We look forward to seeing you!


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senior activities longview wa, retirement longview wa, somerset longview wa


senior living longview wa


assisted living longview wa, willow grove state park longview wa, somerset longview wa


assisted living longview wa, senior living longview wa, somerset longview wa


senior activities longview wa, senior activities near me, senior news longview wa, senior news near me, somerset longview wa


Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We look forward to seeing you!


Welcome to Somerset Senior News blog.

January 3rd, 2021

All photos are of real residents, staff, activities, and events.

Our family strives to provide a happy, friendly, family environment and community for our residents and staff.

Somerset is family owned, managed, and operated by the Bond family and our dedicated staff who we appreciate.

Photos and videos created by Mariisa Bond Jimenez (Somerset Owner and Administrator), Charles Bond (Jr) photography and IT, Denise our activities director, and Samantha our receptionist and administrative assistant.

Text and photos posted online by Charles Bond and Mariisa Bond Jimenez with permission from people in photos (participation optional).


Please enjoy our website and blog content, and enjoy seeing the fun and good times our residents and staff have.

Sincerely, Charles Bond, Marris Bond Jimenez, and Betty Bond.


Morning Fitness Class

November 29th, 2020

Somerset residents enjoy their morning exercise class, and it helps them stay fit!


In the following video clip, they’re warming up with neck stretches (neckercises).


Morning Senior Fitness Class video clip.


Seniors have fun staying fit at Somerset Retirement Community and Assisted Living in Longview WA!


June Activities and Events

June 10th, 2020

Due to a very busy June schedule, we won’t have time to update Somerset website’s June blog (senior news, senior activities and events, photos and videos).
However, our June blogs are current and up-to-date at our Somerset Facebook site (Posts section) and our Somerset Google Places site (Updates section).
Please click a link above to view our June blog.

Note 1: In July, we will resume updating this Somerset website blog (and will continue updating our Somerset Facebook and Google blogs as always).

Note 2: Our Facebook blog is updated 1st (several times each month) and is our most current blog, followed by updating our Google blog when we have time, followed by updating this website blog if we have time.


Somerset Retirement Home – Senior’s Exercise Classes

May 9th, 2020

Our residents enjoy many senior activities each week, often several per day. One of our regular activities is our seniors fitness classes several times each week.


This week our seniors participated in a YouTube fitness class they watched using one of our community room’s projector TV. Our activities director (Denise) gets her exercise participating in the classes with our seniors.


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senior excercise longview wa, senior fitness longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, retirement home longview wa, assisted living longview wa, senior home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, retirement community longview wa, somerset longview wa


senior fitness longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, retirement home longview wa, assisted living longview wa, senior home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, retirement community longview wa, somerset longview wa


seniors fitness classes longview wa, seniors workout longview wa, seniors excercise longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, somerset longview wa


We have fun staying fit at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living