June Activities and Events

Due to a very busy June schedule, we won’t have time to update Somerset website’s June blog (senior news, senior activities and events, photos and videos).
However, our June blogs are current and up-to-date at our Somerset Facebook site (Posts section) and our Somerset Google Places site (Updates section).
Please click a link above to view our June blog.

Note 1: In July, we will resume updating this Somerset website blog (and will continue updating our Somerset Facebook and Google blogs as always).

Note 2: Our Facebook blog is updated 1st (several times each month) and is our most current blog, followed by updating our Google blog when we have time, followed by updating this website blog if we have time.


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Posted in activities, activity, arts and crafts, assisted living longview wa, cowlitz county wa, cowlitz wa, exercise, fitness, food, june, longview wa, pond, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior activity longview wa, senior apartments longview wa, senior community longview wa, senior entertainment longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior homes longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, somerset longview wa, summer

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Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living