Archive for the ‘special offer’ Category

Summer Move-In Discount

May 11th, 2022

If you mention our Summer Move-In Discount to Samantha (our receptionist), and move in by Sept 15, you will get 1/2 off your 3rd month’s rent.

Offer valid June 1 through Sept 15.


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Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA




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Resident and caregiver enjoying the outdoors on a June day.


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Somerset’s Receptionist and Administrative Assistant


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Some of our residents make high quality quilts to sell at the bazaar.


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Having fun making Easter snacks and arts and crafts.


Please come for a tour and join the fun at Somerset!

We look forward to meeting you!




Welcome to Somerset Senior News blog.

January 3rd, 2021

All photos are of real residents, staff, activities, and events.

Our family strives to provide a happy, friendly, family environment and community for our residents and staff.

Somerset is family owned, managed, and operated by the Bond family and our dedicated staff who we appreciate.

Photos and videos created by Mariisa Bond Jimenez (Somerset Owner and Administrator), Charles Bond (Jr) photography and IT, Denise our activities director, and Samantha our receptionist and administrative assistant.

Text and photos posted online by Charles Bond and Mariisa Bond Jimenez with permission from people in photos (participation optional).


Please enjoy our website and blog content, and enjoy seeing the fun and good times our residents and staff have.

Sincerely, Charles Bond, Marris Bond Jimenez, and Betty Bond.


January Special Offer – Rent Discount

December 18th, 2020

1/2 off 3rd month rent for people who begin renting in January.


Please see Details (Terms and Conditions) below photos.


retirement home longview wa, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa

Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living is located at 2025 Tibbetts Drive, Longview WA.


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We have lots of activities, including games and various arts and crafts, including quilt making and knitting.


January Special Offer – Rent Discount

1/2 off 3rd month rent for people who begin renting in January.


Details (Terms and Conditions)

The discount is for private pay residents, not Medicaid residents.

The discount is on rent, not assisted living services.

Rent includes free basic cable TV, use of our free public telephone (including free long distance), free laundry machines, linens service, several kitchen appliances in your apartment, and other perks.

Rent does not include a private land-line telephone in your apartment, though you are welcome to pay for your own private land line (if you want one).


We look forward to talking with you and would like to give you a live Zoom online tour. We want to serve your needs.

Please call us at 360-423-7392 from 9 AM to 4 PM weekdays to inquire.


Somerset Video Tour


Happy Holidays!

December 2nd, 2020

We wish you happy holidays and a Merry Christmas!


We’ll be having lots of holidays activities for residents, including arts and crafts, and lots of good food and holiday desserts!


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living