Posts Tagged ‘field trip’

Somerset Senior Living – Outing to McMinamens!

October 24th, 2023

Our seniors enjoyed  fun outing to McMinamens restaurant in Kalama WA. We frequently have fun senior living activities, including fun outings. We make senior living fun for Somerset residents! Enjoy senior living at Somerset. You’re invited!


assisted living, somerset, longview wa


senior living, somerset, longview wa





Somerset Senior Living Outing to Kalama Marina

August 2nd, 2022

Somerset residents enjoyed a ride on our bus to the Kalama Marina where we had a fun picnic and outdoor activities!


bus, senior activities, assisted living, senior living, retirement, outing, field-trip, senior center, somerset, longview wa, kalama wa, senior news

Somerset Bus at Kalama Marina


senior news, retirement, senior activity, assisted living, senior living, field-trip, outing, somerset, longview wa, kalama wa, columbia river, cowlitz county wa

Columbia River near Kalama Marina and McMenamins in Cowlitz County WA.


senior living, retirement, senior activity, assisted living, senior apartment, senior news, somerset, longview wa, kalama marina, kalama wa

Somerset seniors relaxing during an outing at Kalama Marina Park.


senior news, senior living, retirement, senior activities, somerset, longview wa, kalama wa, kalama marina, cowlitz county

Somerset Senior Living residents relaxing during a field-trip at Kalama Marina Park.


senior news, retirement, senior living, assisted living, senior apartments, somerset, longview wa, kalama wa, cowlitz county, kalama marina

Somerset resident relaxing during an outing at Kalama Marina Park.


games, fun, senior activities, retirement, senior living, assisted living, senior news, somerset, longview wa, kalama marina, cowlitz county, kalama wa

Fun senior activities included archery with arrows tipped with suction cups.


Somerset seniors have fun several times each week, including 2 to 3 outing each month during summer.

Come join the fun with Somerset residents. You’re invited!





Somerset Trip/Outing to McMenamins

August 2nd, 2022

Somerset residents enjoyed a field-trip to McMenamins in July 2022.


senior activities, senior news, senior center, assisted living, senior living, retirement, senior home, senior apartments, somerset, longview wa

Somerset Bus at McMenamins in Kalama WA (near Columbia River in Cowlitz County)


senior news, retirement, senior activity, assisted living, senior living, field-trip, outing, somerset, longview wa, kalama wa, columbia river, cowlitz county wa

Columbia River near Kalama Marina and McMenamins in Cowlitz County WA.


senior living, retirement, senior activies, senior news, assisted living, longview wa, somerset

Somerset residents relaxing and dining at McMenamins.


Somerset resident and Somerset owner/administrator relaxing and dining at McMenamins.


Somerset assistant administrator and resident relaxing and dining at McMenamins


Somerset seniors relaxing on a field-trip to McMenamins


Somerset senior living residents relaxing at McMenamins


Somerset residents have fun!

You’re invited to join the fun with Somerset residents and staff. We look forward to meeting you!

Please come see us for a tour of Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living in Longview WA.





Senior Activity Field-Trip to El Tapacia

July 24th, 2022

Somerset seniors enjoyed riding our bus on a field-trip to El Tapatia restaurant in Rainier. We enjoyed an fun outing, yummy Mexican food and great service!


bus, senior activities, assisted living, senior living, retirement home, senior home, retirement community, somerset, longview wa


senior activity longview wa, senior news longview wa, senior outing, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, retirement community longview wa, somerset longview wa







Somerset residents have fun! Come join the fun!





Millie’s 98th Birthday Party

September 18th, 2019

On Sept 4th, Millie celebrated her 98th birthday party with Somerset residents while on a field trip to El Tapatio restaurant in Rainier Oregon.

field trip somerset, senior activities longview wa, senior entertainment longview wa, senior outing longview wa, senior field trip longview wa, senior news longview wa, retirement community longview wa, senior living longview wa, retirement home longview wa, assisted living longview wa, somerset longview wa

Somerset residents and staff had a good time! We have fun!

field trip, somerset longview wa, senior living longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior activities longview wa, assisted living longview wa, retirement community longview wa, senior fun longview wa, el tapatio rainier or




Field-Trip to El Tapatio in Rainier OR

September 6th, 2019

This post was moved and combined with Millie’s birthday party post.




Field-Trip to Berry Patch Restaurant

September 1st, 2019

Somerset residents climbed aboard our bus for a scenic drive and a boat ride. Our residents will have lunch at the Berry Patch restaurant in Westport, Oregon. We have lots of fun with our residents!


senior activities longview wa, senior fun longview wa, senior field trip longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, somerset longview wa, berry patch restaurant, ferry, westport oregon, westport or

A resident and caregiver ham it up for the camera while waiting for the ferry to Westport Oregon.


somerset longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior living longview wa, assisted living longview wa, senior outing longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior fun longview wa, longview wa, berry patch restaurant, ferry, westport oregon, westport or

The Somerset bus, residents, and staff aboard the Oscar B ferry bound for Westport Oregon.


When they arrive at their destination, they will feast at the Berry Patch Restaurant in Westport.

We have lots of fun with our residents. This summer we had many activities, including several field trips. Come join the fun! You are invited!


Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living