Archive for the ‘birthday party’ Category

Senior Activities for October Birthdays

October 25th, 2020

Somerset kitchen staff made cookies from scratch and then provided the cookies and several colors of frosting so that residents could decorate the cookies for October Birthdays and Halloween.

This is one of several October senior activities at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA.


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We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.


September Birthday Parade at Somerset Senior Living in Longview WA

October 17th, 2020

We celebrated several September birthdays at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA using safe social distancing practices.

Friends and relatives were able to visit and participate in the celebration birthday parade.

Residents, visitors, and staff had fun!


Birthday Parade Video 1

Birthday Parade Video 2


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We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA.


September Birthdays at Somerset Retirement Home in Longview WA

October 17th, 2020

We celebrated several September birthdays at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA using safe social distancing practices.

Friends and relatives were able to visit and participate in the celebration birthday parade.

Residents, visitors, and staff had fun!


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We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA.


September Birthday Boy

October 9th, 2020

Staff brought this resident some decorations and ice cream cake.

Happy birthday!


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June and July Birthdays

August 31st, 2020

We celebrated several residents birthdays in June and July at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Longview WA.

We have fun!

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birthdays, senior activities longview wa, senior news longview wa, assisted living longview wa, retirement home longview wa






Somerset Senior News December 2019

December 4th, 2019

Somerset Senior News Longview WA

Welcome to our monthly senior news letter for Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA. Some of our activities/events are for seniors, some are for all ages. Some are for residents, some are open to the general public and you’re invited! Please call us at 360-423-7392 for details about specific activities and events.

If you have an event or club that needs a nice (free) place to meet and enjoy, please contact us. We consider all reasonable requests.

If you have out-of-town friends or family who come to visit and need a place to stay, we offer furnished apartments for short term stay or extended stay in Hearthside Luxury Apartments located 1/4 block from Somerset.


See Somerset’s Senior News Letter below. Please join us and share in the fun!


Each page below can be clicked to view larger.


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senior home longview wa, retirement home longview wa

Millie’s 98th Birthday Party

September 18th, 2019

On Sept 4th, Millie celebrated her 98th birthday party with Somerset residents while on a field trip to El Tapatio restaurant in Rainier Oregon.

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Somerset residents and staff had a good time! We have fun!

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Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living