Friendly farm animals and pets visit Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living several times each year bringing joy to our seniors who love animals!
Looking at the photos below, you can see how much our seniors enjoy these visits.
Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement and Assisted Living Longview WA.
We look forward to seeing you!
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Posted in activities, animals, assisted living longview wa, assisted living near me, longview wa, pets retirement home, retirement community longview wa, retirement community near me, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, retirement homes near me, retirement longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior activities near me, senior apartments longview wa, senior apartments near me, senior care longview wa, senior care near me, senior community longview wa, senior health longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior homes longview wa, senior homes near me, senior living longview wa, senior living near me, senior news longview wa, senior news near me, seniors longview wa, somerset longview wa, summer |
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