We had several senior activities and treats the week of Mother’s Day, including root beer floats!

We have fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA!
Tags: assisted living longview wa, may longview wa, mothers day longview wa, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, somerset longview wa, treats
Posted in activities, activity, assisted living longview wa, cooking, cowlitz county wa, cowlitz wa, desserts, dietary staff, food, holiday activities longview wa, holidays, longview wa, may, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior activity longview wa, senior apartments longview wa, senior community longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior homes longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, somerset longview wa |
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