Staff and residents dressed up for Halloween 2019 and had a party that day, and gave candy to trick or treating kids that night. The pics below are of kids trick or treating in the lobby Halloween evening. Staff gave candy to the residents ahead of time. The residents enjoyed giving candy to kids in the lobby.
The kids are staff members’ kids, residents’ grandkids, and kids from the neighborhood. This is an annual event every Halloween.

We have many events each month. Come join the fun at Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living in Longview WA.
Tags: assisted living longview wa, halloween, kids longview wa, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior living longview wa, somerset longview wa, trick or treat
Posted in assisted living longview wa, cowlitz county wa, cowlitz wa, holiday activities longview wa, holiday events longview wa, kids, longview wa, october, pets retirement home, pets senior living, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior activities longview wa, senior apartments longview wa, senior community longview wa, senior entertainment longview wa, senior events longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, somerset longview wa, trick or treat |
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