Employee of the Month – Samantha
Samantha is our receptionist, executive assistant, and office manager. She’s also our employee of the month.
She’s worked at Somerset for 10 years. She says she loved every minute of it and enjoys helping our residents who she loves like family.
Tags: assisted living longview wa, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior homes longview wa, senior living longview wa, somerset longview wa
Posted in assisted living longview wa, cowlitz county wa, cowlitz wa, employee of the month, longview wa, march, retirement community longview wa, retirement home longview wa, retirement homes longview wa, senior apartments longview wa, senior community longview wa, senior home longview wa, senior homes longview wa, senior living longview wa, senior news longview wa, somerset longview wa