Archive for the ‘pets’ Category

Somerset is Pet Friendly

July 20th, 2019

Do you or a loved one have a pet and want or need a senior apartment in a retirement home in Longview WA? If so, Somerset is an excellent choice because pets are welcome, and we offer large senior apartments for independent living with optional assisted living services as needed, customized to your needs. So you can keep your pet, enjoy a comfortable life style, receive good customer service, and have the assisted living services you need, and none you don’t. We want you to enjoy senior living.

Cats and small dogs are welcome at Somerset (if friendly and well behaved). Residents who have a cat or small dog are welcome to have their pet live with them (with manager’s prior approval).


A resident is walking his cat on his porch.

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This is one of Somerset’s two beautiful backyards. Residents, pets, grand kids, and other visitors to enjoy our backyards.

somerset longview wa, retirement home longview wa, assisted living longview wa, senior living longview wa, retirement community longview wa


Between our backyards is our pond, which is enjoyed by residents, visitors, pets, frogs, fish, wild ducks, geese, pigeons, and during stormy weather – seagulls.


Wild ducks (and occasionally geese and seagulls) like to visit, swim, and eat tadpoles and baby fish; which is fine because they prevent over population of fish. They don’t bother the medium and larger fish. The ducks and geese add to the wildlife fun and entertainment. One particular duck has a lot of babies and is mostly tame. She leads her babies around the pond and backyard, and sometimes the sidewalks.


Ducks enjoy swimming and fishing in Somerset’s pond. Here you see a duckling mid-air as she jumps in.

ducks longview wa, retirement community longview wa, assisted living longview wa, somerset longview wa


Mom walking her ducklings across the parking lot. They commute between our pond and a local canal a block away. These wild ducks are city ducks. This duck mom is a street smart urbanite.


Comfort Dogs Like to Visit Somerset!

July 19th, 2019

Comfort dogs visited Somerset. Residents love it! Dogs love it too! In this photo it’s a comfort puppy!

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You are invited to come to Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living for a tour or a visit! If you have a well behaved, friendly dog on a lease, dogs are also welcome to visit (with manager’s prior approval).

Seniors who have pets and want their pets to live with them are welcome. Their pets (cats or small dogs) are welcome too (with manager’s prior approval).

Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living